Questor: we don’t know if inflation or deflation is coming. These funds will deliver either way

Questor Wealth Preserver: not everyone is convinced the cost of living is about to soar, but we can prepare for whatever the future holds

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“Central banks had been trying and failing to create inflation for more than a decade. Do we really think the thing that will finally get it going is a pandemic?”

Not everyone believes that high rates of inflation are about to return, as this remark, from a fund manager to Questor last week, illustrates.

He was pointing out that inflation normally arises when economies overheat, not when they are put on ice by lockdowns. Even if we are now seeing a mini-boom as the virus comes under control, Covid-19 has set the economy of almost every country back by months, if not years.

It’s a compelling argument. But an equally convincing case can be made that inflation is indeed on the march. Perhaps the strongest is that all the money central banks created in response to the financial crisis was pumped into the system just as governments were sucking money out by cutting public spending in an attempt to balance the books; now, by contrast, central banks are still printing money but governments are also spending with abandon to fight the virus.

So is inflation coming back or not? The answer is simple: we just don’t know.

Our Wealth Preserver Portfolio was not brought into being because we were convinced that high inflation was inevitable; it was to offer an answer to those readers who could not afford to ignore the risk: those on fixed incomes, perhaps retired, for whom rising prices would destroy all their hopes of financial security.

While we saw inflation as sufficiently likely to warrant such a portfolio, we also acknowledged that deflation could not be ruled out, as the fund manager quoted above hinted at. Our portfolio is designed to cope with both inflation and deflation, even if we accept that the former is the bigger preoccupation for many readers.

Accordingly, this week we add some assets that should perform extremely well in real terms if the cost of living falls but still contribute returns, largely in the form of income, in inflationary times.

Bonds tend to be bad investments in times of inflation, unless their interest rate is index-linked. We have already bought some “linkers” issued by the Government, which although they offer guaranteed real-terms returns pay little or no interest on top. Some other bonds, while riskier, offer much higher rates. We will buy some, via four specialist investment trusts, now. We will deploy 2.5pc of the portfolio into each, for a total exposure of 10pc.

Real Estate Credit Investments lends money, either directly or via the bond market, to owners or developers of various types of property from hotels and student housing to care homes. The fund’s management firm, Cheyne Capital, can boast a large and experienced team well suited to choosing the right borrowers. 

A scarcity of lenders in its chosen markets offers higher yields without commensurately higher risk. The fund has paid a 3p quarterly dividend consistently since the summer of 2017. At the current share price that equates to a 7.7pc yield.

BioPharma Credit works similarly in that it lends to a particular type of borrower – in this case drugs companies – and understands those borrowers extremely well, to the point that it has never suffered a default despite the high rates it can demand on its loans. This trust too offers a stable dividend of 7 US cents a share, equivalent to a 7.1pc yield at the current share price.

Invesco Bond Income Plus, as City Merchants High Yield became when it absorbed Invesco Enhanced Income in May, has a long record of paying an annual income of 10p a share; the merged trust will target 11p. Some of its holdings benefit from interest rates that will rise in line with rates more generally. The yield at 11p a share and the current price is 6pc.

TwentyFour Income is another specialist lender: it buys “asset-backed securities” such as baskets of mortgages rolled up together to form a bond. The managers say: “This part of the fixed-income market has been largely overlooked in the recent rally. A large majority of the [fund’s] securities are also floating rate, thereby offering investors upside to future rate rises.” It yields 5.7pc.

Questor says: buy


Share prices at close: 156p, $0.98, 184.5p, 111.5p

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